The Company
The history
The mission
The Vision
The vision, the values of Contrade.
Through the marketing management, Contrade supports the commercial farms to promote and enhance the value of these high-quality agricultural products, who deserve to be properly proposed and promoted in Northern Italy and foreign markets.
The bench marks of the company Contrade are work, commitment, determination, passion, and the sharing of these values together with the devotion for land is a guarantee of satisfaction. Thanks to Contrade Sicily is changing, and a new generation of marketing is growing with it.
Sede operativa:
c/da Macconi 97011 Acate (RG)

Sede legale:
Via Cacciatori delle Alpi, 357 - 97019 Vittoria (RG)

Sicily, Italy
Phone +39 0932 1865202
Fax +39 0932 801089


P.IVA 01310710882
Copyright© 2010 CONTRADE s.r.l.

Design: IDEA, Ragusa